Where the Hell is Matt?
Dancing his way around the world.
For more information on Matt, visit his web site.
This Blog is a complete waste of time, providing useless information and rambling, disjointed opinions for people with nothing better to do than to read it. Most information has not been verified and may be completely bogus. Still, it is interesting to me or I wouldn’t have bothered creating it. Check out the web links on the right side of the page. This is a work in progress; check it often for new postings. Expect daily updates! Hit your “refresh” button to see the latest.
Dancing his way around the world.
One of the things that I really enjoy about ballroom dancing is the improved muscle control, balance, and coordination which are byproducts of the process of becoming a better dancer. Your overall level of physical fitness improves. The dance teachers are constantly stressing the fundamentals of posture and control. This video clip is a commercial for a European gym, but it could just as easily be for a dance studio.
Pope Says "Don't work too hard" |
Castelgandolfo - Too much work can be bad for you, even if you are the pope, Pope Benedict said on Sunday. Speaking during his Sunday address at his summer residence south of Rome, the pope quoted from the writings of St Bernard of Chiaravalle, who lived in the 11th and 12th centuries. "We have to guard ourselves, the saint observed, from the dangers of excessive activity, regardless of the office one holds, because too many concerns can often lead to hardness of heart," the pope said. "This warning is valid for every type of job, even those concerned with the government of the church," he said. The 79-year-old Benedict noted that the saint had written to the pontiff of the times, Eugene III, warning him of the dangers of working too hard. Benedict said one should always make room for "prayer and contemplation". |
This reminds me of ballroom dancers changing at a competition between dance heats or routines.
My Tango Buddy and favorite dance partner, Allison, is moving on to bigger and better things. May God speed and grant her happiness wherever she may go.
Allison gave me my introductory lesson in ballroom dancing, and I have enjoyed dancing with her from day one. She was not my primary dance teacher, but she was always my favorite for just having fun on the dance floor.
Best wishes and good luck wherever life may take you, Allison!
There is an incredible poem by Linda Ellis called The Dash. It's all about how we spend our lives between the day we are born to the day we pass away. Click on this link to see The Dash presented as a beautiful audio/visual show. http://www.TheDashMovie.com
If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out.