The truth according to Jim

This Blog is a complete waste of time, providing useless information and rambling, disjointed opinions for people with nothing better to do than to read it. Most information has not been verified and may be completely bogus. Still, it is interesting to me or I wouldn’t have bothered creating it. Check out the web links on the right side of the page. This is a work in progress; check it often for new postings. Expect daily updates! Hit your “refresh” button to see the latest.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Photo Show from Spring Fling dance competition.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Spring Fling, Sunday, March 11 in Tampa

There will be a ballroom dance competition in Tampa on March 11 which I am participating in. Some of my friends from the Arthur Murray studio in Orlando will also be there.

For details of the competition, including directions and schedule, check out the Spring Fling web site.

Come watch our Twinkle Toes in action. A fun time will be had by all.

The competition will be held in the Renaissance Tampa Hotel International Plaza. This is just south of the Tampa airport, adjacent to the International Plaza and Bay Street. The hotel is on the back side of the complex, and as you arrive it may appear that you are just going off toward the rear of a parking lot. Keep going and you will find the hotel.

Renaissance-Tampa International Plaza
4200 W Columbus Dr
, FL 33607