The truth according to Jim

This Blog is a complete waste of time, providing useless information and rambling, disjointed opinions for people with nothing better to do than to read it. Most information has not been verified and may be completely bogus. Still, it is interesting to me or I wouldn’t have bothered creating it. Check out the web links on the right side of the page. This is a work in progress; check it often for new postings. Expect daily updates! Hit your “refresh” button to see the latest.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

'Double Heart Risk For People Who Live Alone'

"People who live alone are twice as likely to develop serious heart disease, according to new research.

A Danish study of more than 138,000 adults aged between 30 and 69 found those on their own doubled their risk of suffering a heart attack or angina compared with those who cohabited with a partner."

Your humble Blogmeister has been living a celebate lifestyle for the past few years. Perhaps I should re-think that and find a live in Snuggle Bunny to prolong my time on earth. Any volunteers, or recommendations? ;-)


At 15/7/06 1:12 AM, Blogger Mr. Snoid said...

My best buddy from Police Recruit school recently got divorced (his 4th). and decided just the other day to go to the Philippines with his sister-in-law on a business trip. I love his freedom! So does he, he says that it's great not to have to ask permission to do things that he really wants to do. It also doesn't hurt that he has many $$$$ from the divorce sale of his fabulous x-house, and is starting to make some serious bucks with his streaming video business. There's a lot to be said to living alone in a luxury high rise overlooking Pearl Harbor! I was never happier when I was single.

At 15/7/06 8:23 AM, Blogger BallroomBlitz said...

I'm free as a bird - as long as it doesn't interfere with my work schedule. Unfortunately my home doesn't overlook a tropical harbor, just the lake in our subdivision. And for some reason, no babe-a-renas have invited me on trips to the pacific islands. I guess that I need to work on the fine points of my lifestyle.


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